There is a new craze that has overtaken our experiments with herbal medicine! Coconuts...the new miracle food and medicine (new? well I guess it has been around for a long time). During our stay in Utah before coming out to India we ate at a live foods restaurant with an herb shop in it. In this herb shop was a harmless looking book called Coconut Cures by Bruce Fife. We looked at each other and thought, well we are going to the land of coconuts, this might be helpful. I was not too excited because I never liked coconuts, but Katie up and bought it. As we skimmed though it the author was going on and on about how coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut water, etc sometimes alone or mixed with other things will cure just about anything. It kills parasites, rejuvenates the blood, cures diseases, strengthens the immune system, heals terrible burns, and innumerable other amazing things. It seems that coconuts can do just about anything.

As Katie is the doctor guess who is the guinea pig. ME! Yipes, and I do not like coconuts! So far I have used it on my head to cure my dandruff and it seems to be working. Good! Then there was a coconut oil three day cleanse that is supposed to kill candida (yeast growth in the stomach), detox the digestive system, and help it to function properly. I did that and well I am still not sure if it worked after taking only coconut oil and water for a couple days I was pretty wiped out. Now that it is over I kind of feel the same as before. Who knows! Then Mani also became a guinea pig on the parasite purge program. Coconut oil and dried coconuts for him, though it was only for a couple of days. He just made the mistake of trying to take the daily dosage of oil all at one time. That kind of burned him out, and he could not face coconut oil again. However, it worked for him and he was able to clean out some of those unwanted pests. Luckily for us that is as far as we have gone so far. Except for Katie is trying coconut oil on her ringworm, and we have yet to see the results.
That is not where coconuts stop! No, coconuts do not stop! For lack of better materials I used a coconut leaf to construct a rake of sorts.

We are really going to have to find a new hobby. Just to speak optimistically the rake did not last long to long to say the very least. You may be just as "concerned" as we are to see what else these little medicinal bombs that fall from heaven can do. But that will have to be saved for a different day, different story as we are fresh out of info (even if we cannot seem to rid of these coconuts). I wonder why it is called a nut, we should be called nuts for taking them! Thankfully we can now proceed to the moral of this story, which is; never trust your doctor if he is holding a coconut. Not bad but not good either. Here it goes...if you never dive into something without getting some idea of what it is (at least make sure it is not coconut oil...heehee).
Just in case you forgot this is David, your Post Host. Coconut trees are also good for posting things on, and you never know when I will post again.
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