When the good Lord created this beautiful intelligent world and the sometimes not so intelligent people to inhabit, enjoy, and care for this wonderful place. He, in His infinite wisdom, knew we would become ill, hurt ourselves, and face other such physical, mental, and health problems as would make life difficult. Consequently, He, in his inexhaustible love created herbs and plants of all kinds and species to cleanse, nourish, and cure the body or its various ailments. We are presently studying, testing, and using these lovely herbs wherever we go. Katie is enrolled in the School of Natural Healing, founded by one Dr. John R. Christopher, in which she is learning about all sorts of herbs and there curative powers. In the not too distant future she will graduate as a Master Herbalist, qualified to treat anyone willing to give God's herbs a try. It is truly awe inspiring and wonderful to see used and to use these wonderful natural healers.
Katie has even had the opportunity to use her knowledge to assist some one the children here at the orphanage. A young lad named Prince cut open his foot on some metal, and Katie acted promptly. Cayenne pepper powder applied liberally on the cut and taken internally stopped the bleeding and within a couple minutes he was able to continue whatever he was doing just being careful not to step on the wound. We have watched it heal, and it is amazing. You would think that the cut would get infected and nasty being on the bottom of his foot and he is always walking barefoot in the dirt, but no it has healed in a clean and orderly manner like any cut should. These herbs are and will be very much apart of our adventure here in Coimbatore, India.
A time goes on, I cannot adequately tell you how just how effective these herbs are. Cuts have been the most frequent proof we have. Apply cayenne powder to any fresh cut or scrape and the abrasion will not get infected. I myself have seen it over and over again. When I use cayenne, no infection, when I do not, it usually gets infected. We use it on the boys here and now they stop calling the nurses and always come calling to Katie for cayenne anytime they get cut. Some cuts are pretty bad, but it is the same story every time, cayenne is used they do not get infected. It is truly amazing to witness the power of God's herbs.
A time goes on, I cannot adequately tell you how just how effective these herbs are. Cuts have been the most frequent proof we have. Apply cayenne powder to any fresh cut or scrape and the abrasion will not get infected. I myself have seen it over and over again. When I use cayenne, no infection, when I do not, it usually gets infected. We use it on the boys here and now they stop calling the nurses and always come calling to Katie for cayenne anytime they get cut. Some cuts are pretty bad, but it is the same story every time, cayenne is used they do not get infected. It is truly amazing to witness the power of God's herbs.
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