Friday, October 11, 2013

What's Up?!!

What's Up?
Blessings! Many prepackaged, ready to serve, on-the-go, fast food, dropped off and picked up, mind boggling, unpredictable blessings!
You never know when the next one will fall!

P.S. We are currently advertising for a new photographer, as ours was overly blessed! :) If you are interested in this position please contact the Post Host via the comment box below.  Oh! you must be able to provide your own camera. 


  1. The lack of information here is almost sinister... are we to understand that the previously existing (and hopefully still so) photographer has been decommissioned by these plethoric missiles in disguise? I dare not even inquire in to the fate of the camera... the possibilities are too ghastly.

    If my fingers weren't almost too numb to type, I would inquire into the benefits package that doubtless goes with the position, the most attractive of which is doubtless unlimited solar rays. Jealous. :)

    1. To save you the trouble of stressing your benumbed appendages in formulating such an inquiry, I will attempt to enumerate on the bounteous benefits. They are simple and for the most part without limits or end of supply, like the skin scorching sun rays. We provide all day entertainment from our incessant incoherent unintelligible loquacious special needs children, constant preocccupation with the indefatigably invasive ants, dedicated 24-7 attendance by the loyal companionship of some 2,394,502+ mosquitoes highly trained in the archaic medical technique of bleeding, also an unrestrained access to dust, dirt, grease, and grime on everything all the time, not to mention the ever present opportunities to test you language barrier demolition skills, and the list continues exhaustively. I was not sure I should have publicly enumerated on these details earlier, you know, just in case any potential applicants might get the wrong impression. :)
      As for our fortunate photographer, his fate was not fatal nor in the least harmful to his own frame or that of his camera. This snapshot made us only reflect on the truly ghastly possibilities. A cameraman B is always desirable in the undesirable event of any accidents befalling cameraman A. If, however, these pleasant arrangements are not to your liking, please enjoy the plenteous potatoes, the cumbersome cold, and the infallible friendship of certain uncertain neighbors. ;) Or, if there are any intrigued by such unique opportunities as are proffered to adventurers here, remember there is always a floor to sleep on and a bowl of rice awaiting you!
      By the way, it is nice to have safety protocol 282 applied by some people. :)
