Considering the breath, depth, and extent of the importance of food in the life of every human being, it only made sense to discuss this topic from our point of view from inside the Indian culture which surrounds us.
To begin let us survey the Indian cuisine. They brew up all sorts of incinerating sauces and curries that all but kill those not already burned out and accustomed to such fiery food.
Look at the concerned expression on the faces of these boys, about to partake of good plain rice garnished with a blaze of fire. In spite of the fiery challenge the food creates, I and the other non spice lovers have found and we enjoy certain dishes that amazingly are not hot. And yes, we like all the other Indians eat with our hands. It really is quite fun (and saves on washing). Now to continue!
During the elapse in time from Katie's last visit to India we have made significant changes in our choice of foods we consume. Now, we stay with whole foods, nothing processed, refined, and definitely not GMOed. Simple enough, but that includes flours, refined white sugar, and most cooking oils. With that, out the door goes many of the none spicy foods. Then we try to stay away from anything that has been cooked to death and there went out all the other dishes made in India except for two that I know of, pepper water and a spicy sauce called chutney. Checkmate! After a few days of vacillating and eating some dead and spicy foods I decided enough was enough and I had had enough. I promptly promoted myself to chef. I do not know which is worse eating spicy food or my food! Nevertheless, I have enjoyed making good plain bland healthy food. Poor Katie she loves spicy food, but no problem she always manages to get pepper water or chutney to eat.
Trying different things we have found red rice to be the best, and we are always eating vegetables like potatoes, cauliflower, onions, garlic, carrots, and Katie finally bought some spices (I do not know if she is trying to hint at something) which I use sparingly. The best part is the fruit. Papaya and pomegranate are in the peak and I savor each juicy bite. Life is not too bad if you ask me.
I have rarely made food and almost never without a recipe, now I always make food and almost never with a recipe. Good example, is when I tried to make a stir fry and because I used potatoes it transformed into something...I guess it looked like funeral potatoes (the yellow stuff in the preceding photo). Maybe I wont use potatoes next time. Another thing which now makes me appreciate my dedicated mother even more, is the tremendous amount of time it takes to cook beans or anything without killing them. It took me 2+ hours to make a simple soup! Then there was the time I heroically threw in some spices into my fried rice in an attempt to make something comparable to Indian food. While I scorching my throat on this substance I had produced, I asked Katie what she though. Would you believe it she did not know I had put spices in it at all? Is it just me or do I have a hypersensitive problem?
That is beginning of our culinary adventures. What would a story be without a moral. Here it is. If you hate hot food learn to love it immediately or you might end up in India or some place worse! Okay, maybe it could go something like this, do not twiddle your thumbs and eloquently complain waiting for your situation to change, but get up, buck up and do something about it (especially if your stomach is forcefully motivating you to do something)! How is that for a moral?
Thanks again! This is David your Post Host, and I hope that next time you are at Staples buy some Post-its because you never know when I might post again.
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