Let this bee a lesson to you. If you bee in want of anything, bee it honey, combs, or bees remember that just beecause you think you cannot get it does not mean it cannot happen. We may expect our anticipated answers to bee attended to with great pomp and foofaraw and the desired blessings to descend in glorious displays of fireworks and ceremony, but as these rarified instances of fanfare are as commonplace as snow in the Sahara, typically our blessings are plainly placed right beefore your very eyes, and refuse to perceive. How can this bee?

Beats me! Many plans were previously devised for the acquisition and retention of a sustainable source of acertain sweetener. Sadly, all strategies suffocated in the stale airs of "maybe someday". Though eventually we were prepared to leave beehind our visions of fresh succulent honey oozing from the waxy symmetrical combs of our own beehives for want of various resources, it beecame our instantaneous surprise and pleasure to discover in the shady cover of a twisted limb, curling itself over the roof our dwelling, a hive of free Indian tree bees. How conbeentient! There was a hearty consensus among ourselves and our senses to leave the bees be...until, that is, it beecomes worth the risk to life and subcutaneous comfort to somehow relocate these honey producing miracles to a new "plant" for the further development of their talent. You may bee asking how will we do that? The answer should bee no more tergiversatious than the inquiry, and this is the reply; we will figure that out when the time bee fully ripe.
The moral of the story was disposed of somewhere beetwixt the first and last word the first paragraph. They say, do not jump headlong into murky water, well no one said anything about what you do when the water jumps first on you.
David the Post Host hopes you have enjoyed the random review of irrelevant happenings as we meander though this beeautiful opportunity of beeing in India. As my superior once said, "To bee, or not to bee, that is the question" and to that I say bee ready beecause you never know when I will post again.
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