One fine day, too far back for my short term memory to recall, our internet chip suddenly and decisively failed. Stubbornly, it resisted all pleadings and demands to work. In the end the it was decided that they would throw out the worthless troublemaker and set up the volunteers with wireless. Sounded like the best idea yet. People have a habit of deceiving themselves.
Impartial to our situation the earth revolved merrily as before. First once, then twice, then thrice and so on continuously adding to the growing number of days it took to resolve the problems. "Tomorrow, they will do it" was the habitual response to our inquiries. I have yet to live through a tomorrow. It became painfully clear that it was not about to happen soon. In order to accomplish some desired tasks I even took our laptop to the office which has wireless internet, but as if I had been jynxed the internet was shut of after about five minutes. Reluctantly, I resigned myself to my fate of solitary cyber isolation. Someone, I do not know who, had the brilliant idea to buy a new internet chip. By this time we were happy to try anything. Soon enough they gave us the chip and with high hopes we tested it...suspense...loading...authenticating...please wait...Sorry, the remote computer is not responding. Thus is the sad saga of our struggle. Calling, testing, giving, taking back, hoping ensued and continued for the next few days until the 1st of March. With the beginning of a new month, the internet service must have come back from vacation or something, because it now works properly. Hopefully this is no fleeting phantom of functioning internet, that rises for an instant and dissipates the next.
Wait, do not cut your internet connection just yet, because you never know when I will post again. Thanks, this is your Post Host, David.
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