Saturday, February 2, 2013

Moringa Tree Very Pretty.

Little did I know there would be one of those many miracle herbs growing in my own front yard.  When I first heard about this useful plant, the Moringa tree, I thought oh it is one of those...I wonder if really is the multi-vitamin, cure-all, must-have-or-suffer plant that people said it is.  Sandra came to rescue me from my dubious state of skepticism by sending us a couple of websites with a wealth of worthwhile information on the nutritional and medicinal value of this leafy green organism.
Like a cantankerous weed it has infested our lives.  Every morning we partake of this herb.  I have even started indulging myself in the habit of grazing on the trees, and it so happens that these leafy blessings grow next to our goat farm, so I always have someone to keep company.  Now for a personal example of the effectiveness of this plant.  I arrived in India with a bad cough from a previous brush with illness, and the stubborn cough would not relinquish its grip.  Exasperated, I finally decided to do something.  I became stricter with my diet, got more outside exercise, and started on the Moringa.  After two days I had noticed considerable improvement and with about two weeks of it the tyrannical cough was suppressed and vanquished.  By now you should be  thoroughly convinced of the Moringa magic.  But just to help it sink in a little better, here are some facts nutritional facts about this herb.

Gram for gram, Moringa leaves contain:
  • 7 times the vitamin C in oranges
  • 4 times the calcium in milk
  • 4 times the vitamin A in carrots
  • 2 times the protein in milk
  • 3 times the potassium in bananas
  • 3 times the iron in spinach

For this information we give a hearty thanks to Not only it it highly nutritious but it has wonderful healing capacities.  I was reading about it after starting to take it and they said it is especially good for lungs and bronchial problems.  That is true! So the moral of the story is if it is edible eat it!  Let us try that again, if man makes something question its value, but if God makes something you know it is good for the use of man, I just have not figured out what mosquitoes are useful for.

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