Sunday, November 30, 2014

Again Another Anouncement

Hi there!
   This is David the Post Host again. And again with another announcement! In quest of a suitable avenue of expression for my future travels I began a blog through Weebly to document my adventure in Germany. However, I find myself quite dissatisfied with Weebly and have undertaken to recommence with Blogger with a new blog called D'scovering at . My favorite so far, however, has been this very blog which holds all the adventures and rambles around India. I will miss it, but I do not plan on spending the rest of my life in India, and hopefully my new blog will suffice for the rest of my disquisitions and ventures at home and abroad.
  Enjoy while you can, because you never know when I may post again. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

New Adventure, New Site

   For all those who might still frequent these pages, posts, and pictures, the post host has now lined up an new adventure in Germany.  The documentation and explanation of these adventures will appear in a newly created blog, Write After it Happens.... I hope you are not disappointed!!
    This again is Davy the Post Host, and I have taken up a new post in preparation for a new host of exciting events. Especially if I am located elsewhere, you would never know when I might post again.