Thursday, April 18, 2013

Split Wide Open

Party!!! Who does not love a party.  Well, I used to love them too, until I went on this diet, and now I have sunk into steely indifference to parties, unless, of course they have a big bowl of fruit available...that changes everything. Well, the opening for the new building was, in terms of longevity and monotony, very well done. All of the FFC children were there in body, who knows were they really were, and we only had a handful of visitors and donors attended.
Here is our administrator and the guests of honor seated on the stand. Not deviating from tradition, only praise and good things were said, which of course we hope all comes true. The man with bag was the professional photographer, which is fine, but   he somehow often ended up between my camera and the desired object to capture on my memory card. 
You can imagine how Katie must have felt.  Luckily for me she was up on the stand most of the time, and that made everyone know where she was.  With that said, Katie said what was supposed to be said, after everything else had been said, and said that Sandra said the building would be used to train special needs they said. After too much had been said, they said it was time for the food and celebration. They should not have said that.  
Since my energy could not be utilized in the pleasure of gastro-intestinal loading, it was vented in different forms.  In good fun me and the boys non-chronologically reenacted sporadic scenes of the  proceeding proceedings.  We started off enthroning ourselves as guests of honor.
You cannot have a opening or "function" as they call it without flowers. The poor flowers became very much a part of our antics. By the end you could see shreds of flowers scattered from one end of the building to the other. (Some made good balls for throwing)
What could be said that has not been said. I do not know but we tried to make it said. Too bad some could not pick up on it.
With a welcoming like this who can resist. All of us hoodlums welcome you to the FFC, the House of Hope. I cannot remember what I was trying to prove in this snapshot.
I am surprised we kept finding more flowers. They smelled good but I never got the chance to see if they tasted good, too. 
Now if you were going to worry, now would be a good time.  Imagine a pack of wild indians who have found a flame of fire. It is good the buildings are all constructed of nonflammable material like cement, thus making our fire hazard only hazardous to ourselves. We all made it through the night unscathed.
And now we have come to the moral of the story, which is; Do not take too many pictures in short space pf time of a single isolated event because it takes forever and a half to download, sort through, pick, delete, save, edit, and then choose the best ones, and if that is not enough you still have too many to write a sweet short story. See what I mean, this is even making my moral long, too.  If that is too easy, you might learn from this story that if you keep someones attention, you keep them out of trouble.  It does not take too much, at least for me, to keep me out of trouble, just a plateful of something I can actually eat secures my focused and undivided attention. 
Post Host David is going at it again, and hurry back from your own parties because you never know when I will post again.

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